SCHA Board Members
Each year the association elects for its officers, a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and two members-at-large. These officers comprise the executive board. The executive board nominates an editor for The Journal of the South Carolina Historical Association, arranges the annual meeting and program, and oversees the publication of The Journal.
Lacy K. Ford, Jr.
University of South Carolina
Columbia, Term Expires 2025
Elizabeth West
South Caroliniana Library
Director of Communications, SCHA
Term Expires 2025
Robert Figueira
Lander University
Term Expires 2026
Melissa DeVelvis
Augusta University
Term Expires 2026
Jordan A. Stenger
Redcliffe Plantation State Historic Site
Term Expires 2026
William K. Bolt
Francis Marion University
Term Expires 2025